Exploring the Efficacy of the Pain Reconciliation Frequency to Neutralize and Harmonize Biologically Significant Stress Factors

Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study

This exploratory study investigates the harmonizing effects of the “Pain Reconciliation Frequency” on test subjects. The study focuses on understanding the potential of this quantum energy to improve bioenergetic health by neutralizing and harmonizing disturbances in the body’s energy pathways.

Method: The study is double-blind, randomized, and partly quantum-entangled, involving 24 participants. Participants were assigned numbers and randomly allocated to either the experimental group or the control group. BESA tests were conducted before and after exposure to the “Pain Reconciliation Frequency” or a placebo. Quantum entangled BESA tests were conducted using photographs.

Results: The study revealed significant positive effects on participants’ bioenergetic statuses within 15 to 25 minutes of exposure to the “Pain Reconciliation Frequency.” BESA tests indicated that harmful energy disturbances were neutralized and transformed into biocompatible energies. The results demonstrated the ability of the “Pain Reconciliation Frequency” to harmonize stress factors and improve the body’s energy balance.

International Association for Quantum Technology & Frequency Medicine

International Association for Quantum Technology & Frequency Medicine
