The Influence of the Infinity Bloc Technology on Food Intolerances

This pilot study explores the potential of the Leela Quantum Infinity Bloc in improving food tolerances among individuals with dietary sensitivities. Conducted by Ruth Knauss Naturopathic Clinic, the study assessed the effects of the Infinity Bloc on gluten-containing bread, cow’s milk cheese, and cane sugar. The study aimed to determine whether the concentrated quantum field within the Infinity Bloc could neutralize the adverse impacts of these foods on participants’ digestive systems.

Study Design: Using the Metavital Human device, biophysical disruption patterns associated with food intolerances were measured in participants. Foods were initially tested for their effects on digestive organs, exposed to the Infinity Bloc for three minutes, and retested to evaluate changes in compensatory capacity and regulatory functions.

Results: Across all test subjects, the Infinity Bloc demonstrated significant improvements in food tolerability. The quantum field reduced stress and enhanced the body’s compensatory reaction, with improvements ranging from 44% to 75%, restoring physiological balance to satisfactory or optimal levels.

International Association for Quantum Technology & Frequency Medicine

International Association for Quantum Technology & Frequency Medicine
