Quantum Entanglement and Blood Harmonization: The Impact Over a Distance (Part 2)

This study delves into the potential harmonizing influence of the Infinity Bloc by Leela Quantum Tech on blood composition. The primary aim is to uncover the intrinsic capabilities of the Leela Infinity Bloc through the utilization of dark field microscopy, facilitating a comparison between blood samples before and after exposure.

Study Design: At its core, this project was randomized, quantum entanglement-based, and placebo-free sham-controlled/double-blind. By comparing the subjects’ blood before and after exposure to the Infinity Bloc, the study gauged the product’s effectiveness.

Method: Dark field microscopy, also known as “live blood analysis,” was the primary technique used. This method allows a detailed look into the health of blood cells, capturing everything from their size and shape to any potential impurities. 


When subjects were quantum entangled with the test object over a distance of about 8 km/ 5 miles, there were marked improvements in their blood. This AFTER microscopy demonstrated significant blood vitalization compared to the BEFORE microscopy. The regulatory dynamics of the blood were observed to shift positively, signifying an effective range of regulation.

International Association for Quantum Technology & Frequency Medicine

International Association for Quantum Technology & Frequency Medicine
